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Supergraph stewardship

Maintain a supergraph's integrity while driving its adoption



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Initial adoption often emerges either from within a single team or a small number of teams, and at that scale, managing stewardship concerns may be handled on an informal basis. However, the move toward a unified requires a more intentional approach. Given the evolutionary nature of a supergraph, strong stewardship practices are needed to help maintain its integrity while simultaneously driving its adoption across teams.

The establishment of a stewardship group is an important factor in the success of a adoption project. This group may be thought of as the " Center of Excellence" within a company and it should represent a cross-section of key graph stakeholders. Ultimately, the stewardship of a supergraph is largely concerned with empowering the people who will contribute to and consume it with processes that will help them operate as good citizens of the graph. Once the graph stewardship group has been established, the work largely focuses on setting standards that help maintain the quality of the graph, facilitate its continuous evolution, support its , and enforce standards for client usage.

Establishing the graph stewardship group

To set company-wide standards for the , a graph stewardship group should be established. This group acts as a cross-team, collaborative governing body for the graph. It also establishes best practices related to graph maintenance and administration and provides ongoing education for graph contributors and consumers.

At a minimum, the stewardship group should consist of one representative from each of these stakeholder categories (though ideally, each service and client team will have representation):

Executive SponsorProvides approval to help ensure the prioritization of the projectOwns resourcing for the overall initiative
Graph ChampionIs the driving force behind the initial consolidation project and is instrumental in obtaining executive sponsorshipOwns internal training and onboarding to the graph
Subgraph LeadRepresents a subgraph service (usually the team lead and may also be a Graph Champion)Owns service boundary resources
Product ManagerHelps shape schema design within service boundariesOwns the representation of the service boundary in the graph
DevOps RepresentativeEnsures consistent CI/CD pipelines for subgraphsOwns CI/CD pipeline requirements and underlying infrastructure and tooling
Client Developer AdvocateAdvocates for client consumption patterns in relation to schema design and evolution (representation from every client team is not required, though would be helpful)Owns graph consumer tooling and SDKs (partners with a relevant Product Manager)

Ideally, the stewardship group should be formed at the outset of a adoption project. If a similar Center of Excellence already exists, its should be evaluated to ensure that the key graph stakeholders that will be involved in supergraph adoption have adequate representation within the group.

An appropriate meeting cadence for this stewardship group will vary by company needs and the complexity of the consolidation work at hand, though in most cases, the group members will likely need to meet on a more frequent basis at the outset of a adoption project. Once a supergraph is running in production, a regular meeting cadence should still be maintained to help support graph evolution as well as expanding its adoption across teams.

Setting standards for graph management

Once established, the stewardship group is responsible for setting best practices related to the company's consolidated graph, communicating and enforcing those practices, and evolving them as needed over time. Generally, these concerns may be categorized into three main areas: Graph Integrity, Graph , and Graph Usage. Suggested practices for each area are outlined below.

Graph integrity

Reconciling naming conventions and how entities are conceptualized, referenced, and extended across domains can be a challenging aspect of an initial project. These concerns will require ongoing attention afterward too as the graph evolves and new services are incorporated into it. naming conventions, guidelines for and value type updates, as well as type and migration workflows helps service owners make informed decisions about how they can evolve their portion of the schema. The stewardship group should also formalize a review process for proposed schema changes and an architectural review process for adding new subgraph services before they are incorporated into the broader graph.

Once changes are made to the , teams that contribute to and consume the API must be informed. Regular rhythms and processes should be established for synchronously and asynchronously communicating schema updates to internal teams, especially when rolling over deprecated . In addition, can be configured to post schema change notifications directly in a Slack channel, and it also exposes a schema change webhook for general use with other services and tools.

Graph operation

Having the right observability tools in place is a key factor in maintaining smooth and minimizing mean time to recovery when something unexpected happens. Federated traces provide insight into API usage at the , , and client levels in and this data can be used to tune performance, debug errors, and support a safe rollover strategy for deprecated fields (and performance reports and alerts can also be pushed directly to a Slack channel from GraphOS).

The stewardship group should proactively establish performance best practices that support . For example, caching may happen at various levels in the stack—from the normalized cache in , to that support edge caching with CDNs, to full response caching in —and service owners and client teams alike must be aware of what the standard practices are within the graph. Similar guidelines may be provided for areas such as using data loaders to batch requests to underlying , providing minimal unit test coverage for subgraph , and running automated performance tests for known operations.

Graph usage

It's a best practice for clients to identify themselves by name and version before data from the , and clients should also assign names to all the they send to the API. Ideally, these are defined using a shared naming scheme, so it will be the role of the graph stewardship group to set, communicate, and enforce these naming standards.

Additionally, the stewardship group may wish to set standards for using instead of literals as . This measure will help minimize operation cardinality and take advantage of some of 's reporting optimizations in the gateway. And to guard against potentially abusive operations, the stewardship group may also put appropriate mechanisms in place to limit query depth, breadth, and overall cost.

Onboarding and supporting teams

When it comes to driving adoption of the , one of the most important functions a stewardship group can serve is supporting teams as they are onboarded to the graph, both as contributors and consumers. Similarly, the graph stewardship group can also help support ongoing education through the establishment of an company-wide "Community of Practice" for the unified graph, and in general.

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