Tagged with “router”
Note | Published | Updated |
Authenticating requests with the Apollo Router serverrouterauth Combine authorization and authentication strategies with the Apollo Router to secure your graph through defense in depth. 2 min read | 2022-06-13 | 2024-03-05 |
Overload protection serverroutersre Implement GraphQL server overload protection for high traffic scenarios to ensure availability and reduce error rates. 2 min read | 2022-07-08 | 2024-03-05 |
Does Apollo Router replace my API gateway? federationroutergateway The Apollo Router isn't based on URLs or REST endpoints, its a GraphQL-native solution to handle your clients API operations. 2 min read | 2023-03-31 | 2024-03-05 |
Debugging subgraph requests from the Apollo Router or @apollo/gateway federationgatewayroutersubgraphs Log query plans and subgraph calls with the Apollo Router and @apollo/gateway to help debug problematic queries. 1 min read | 2023-04-13 | 2024-03-05 |
Router resource estimator router Estimate the system resources you need to allocate for the Apollo Router to run production traffic. 1 min read | 2023-12-15 | 2024-03-05 |
Sending Apollo Router traces and metrics to APM tools using OpenTelemetry observabilityrouter Sending Apollo Router traces and metrics to APM tools to gain insight into your graph's performance and stability. 2 min read | 2022-10-27 | 2024-02-16 |
Managing Apollo Router resources in Kubernetes routerkubernetes Recommendations and considerations for determining the correct resource requests and limits for application pods in a Kubernetes system. 1 min read | 2022-10-31 | 2024-02-16 |
Client ID enforcement serverobservabilityrouter Improve GraphQL operation monitoring by tagging operations with with client details. See code examples for Apollo Router and Apollo Server. 2 min read | 2022-05-31 | 2024-02-05 |
Production readiness checklist srerouterserverclientbest-practices Use this checklist—covering the Apollo Router, subgraphs, and clients—to identify potential gaps before your graph handles production traffic. 2 min read | 2022-07-11 | 2024-02-05 |
Optimizing custom Apollo Router builds router Recommendations and considerations for minimizing build time when using custom Apollo Router builds. 1 min read | 2023-01-19 | 2024-01-12 |